Puppet Masters!

Puppetry is a traditional art form common to many communities. Its designs range from simple finger puppetry to the sophisticated contractions of marionettes and highly nuanced shadow puppets of South East Asia. 

How can we expose children to this traditional art form of storytelling? We got a brilliant idea from the topic on mummies from the Year 4 CEFR Get Smart textbook. Mummies inspire awe and fear-induced fascination among all thanks to the popular The Mummy movie franchise. Thus, it was a no-brainer for us to jump straight into this project. 

We found an easy DIY mummy template from the internet, printed them out and coloured them. After colouring, we cut out the pieces and laminated the disjointed limbs, head and torso. Then, we stitched the parts together to make simple mummy puppets that can move. 

By M. Kasvini,
Head of English Panel
SJKT Ladang Yam Seng


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